Vacancy: Survey Statistician

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Website MOPIC

Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation

The quality of a survey is of prime importance for accurate, reliable and valid results. Implementing and currying out a systematic quality assurance procedures to prevent unacceptable practices and to minimize errors in data collection is very important.  Establishment of effective and efficient strategies towards improvement of the quality of  surveys will help achieve the timely collection of high-quality data and the validity of the results. Such procedures are viewed as an organizing tool for implementation with pre-defined operational standards regarding the structure, process and outcome of the survey. Explicit standards of quality and follow prescribed procedures to achieve such standards is one of the expected outcomes in development of statistics system in Puntland. The procedures should be transparent, systematically monitored and carefully reported as part of the general documentation of the survey implementation and results. It is also important that the survey be measured and summarized by quantifiable indicators, to the extent practicable. To strengthen the statistical system in Puntland. the ministry is willing.
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