Invitation to Tender for Rehabilitation of Borehole Infrastructure and Berkads in Balibusle and Afar-irdood Villages, Mudug Region


PROJECT NAME: Towards Regenerative Resilience and Climate Adaptation for displacement Affected Communities in Somalia (TERRA),

Tender Board No: PNTB80/2024

About Organization

KAALO Aid and Development (KAALO) is a community-based non-profit, humanitarian and development organization with its headquarters located in Garowe, Puntland in Somalia. The organization was established in March 1991 just after the collapse of the Somali central government. The organization has been in existence for 33 years with a successful record in implementing Hundreds of programs and projects in both the emergency and the development sector in 9 regions of Puntland.

KAALO is currently undertaking Towards Regenerative Resilience and Climate Adaptation for displacement Affected Communities in Somalia (TERRA) Project in two districts in Mudug Region: Jariban and Galkaio. The project is funded by SIDA through BRCiS consortium.

Therefore, KAALO is looking for a qualified Contractor, with sound capacity and relevant experience in similar work to submit their offers against the following.

Lot1. Rehabilitation of existing borehole infrastructure and Purchase and Installation of Generator in Balibulse Village, Mudug Region

Lot2. Rehabilitation of 4 Berkeds in Afar-irdood Village, Mudug Region

NB. The Contractor/Supplier can apply One or more lots, but each lot must be sealed separately with required documents.

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