Invitation to Bid for Karin-Galgala (Bossasso District) Road Construction

This listing has expired.

Puntland Highway Authority (PHA)

The Puntland National Tender Board in association with Puntland Highway Authority invite bidders from eligible construction companies for the construction of the above named project being implemented by the Puntland Highway Authority.

Gudiga Qandaraasadka Dawlada Puntland iyo Haay’ada Wadooyinka Puntland waxay ku casuumaayaan shirkadaha u qalma Fulinta, Khibradana uleh barnaamijka Qandaraaska dhismaha wadada Jeyga ah ee Galgala-Karin Gobolka Bari ee Puntland, Mashruucan oo ay fulinayso Haay’ada Wadooyinka Dawladda Puntland.

It should be noted that contractors are automatically disqualified from participating in this tender if they assisted with any part of this project or tender process, including preparation of technical documents, or if they are related to a member of the Bid Committee without prior disclosure. Small businesses, minority- owned firms, and women’s business enterprises are encouraged to apply.

Waxa aad ogaataan in tartameyaasha si dhaqsi ah looga saari doono tartankaan hadii lagu caawiyey nidaamka qandaraaska oo ay ku jirto diyaarinta dukumeentiga farsamada am ay qaraabo yihiin xubin ka mid gudiga qandaraaska hadii uu uu hore u sheegin. Ganacsatada yaryar. shirkadaha ay leeyihiin Dadka Laga Tiro Badan Yahay ama Yar, iyo Shirkadaha Dumarku leeyihiin waxaa lagu lagu dhiiri gelinaayaa in ay soo codsadaan.

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