SODMA Sends Chinese Aid to SSC-Khatumo via Boosaaso Port

Chinese aid to SSCK will arrive in Boosaaso Port soon.

Boosaaso (PP News Desk) — The Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) has dispatched an essential Chinese aid shipment to SSC-Khatumo interim administration, with generous contributions provided by the People’s Republic of China. The aid will arrive at Boosaaso Port before being transported to Laascaanood.

“SODMA [is] delivering essential goods donated by China to SSCKhaatumo region in north Somalia, which will support the development & humanitarian efforts of the region” tweeted the Chinese Embassy in Mogadishu.

This initiative underscores the commitment of Puntland State of Somalia to supporting SSC-Khatumo to access aid from donors. The arrangement highlights Puntland’s dedication to honouring its obligations to the interim administration of Sool, Sanaag, Cayn and Khatumo.

A mechanism agreed upon between the SSCK administration and Puntland State facilitates the smooth delivery of aid to districts under the jurisdiction of SSCK. Aid shipments can now transit through Bosaso Port or Garacad Port, ensuring efficient distribution across the region.

This cooperative approach reflects the shared determination of Puntland and SSCK authorities to address delivery of humanitarian aid in an efficient and transparent manner.

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