Puntland Police Force Delegation Meets with EU NAVFOR Commander Aboard ESPS Numancia

Lt. Col. Zakariye (right) with Admiral Manuel Alvargonzalez.

Bosaso (PP News Desk) — A high-level Puntland Police Force (PPF) delegation, led by Lt. Col. Zakariye Cabdiraxman , representing Puntland Police Commissioner Brigadier General Mumin Abdi Shire, held a meeting with naval commanders from the European Union Naval Force Somalia (EU NAVFOR) Operation aboard the ESPS NuMANCIA, led by Admiral Manuel Alvargonzalez.

Rear Admiral Alvargonzález cordially received the delegation and conducted a guided tour of the ESPS Numancia. The meeting touched on strengthening cooperation between the PPF of Puntland State of the Federal Republic of Somalia and EU NAVFOR to combat piracy, illegal fishing activities, and other maritime perils in Puntland’s coastal waters. Discussions underscored the importance of intelligence exchange and the strategic coordination of combined operations to boost maritime security in the Horn of Africa.

“This meeting is crucial for increasing our capabilities to contribute maritime security,” said Lt. Col. Cabdiraxman, who thanked EU NAVFOR for its cooperation.

The Spanish Navy frigate escorted the PPF delegation back to Bosaso port after the meeting ended.

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