Ilhan Omar Lauds Peace in Puntland, Promises More US Support for National Infrastructures

Ilhan Omar with President Deni in Garowe

Garowe (PP News Desk) — Ilhan Omar, the US Congresswoman visiting Puntland State of Somalia, commended the first autonomous state for peace and the ongoing democratization process.

“President Deni’s administration built roads; look at how people coexist peacefully. We have done a lot of work about debt forgiveness for Somalia in addition to more than 1 billion dollars from the US Government aimed at boosting drought resilience in Somalia” said Ilhan.

Ilhan Omar: “We have done a lot of work about debt forgiveness for Somalia in addition to more than 1 billion dollars aimed at boosting drought resilience in Somalia”.

The Congresswoman said she had decided to visit Somalia to see for herself projects such as Qardho-Beyla road for which “I am working hard to support”. “Upon my return to USA I will be sworn in for my new term as Congresswoman. I will work on initiatives yo help Africa” Ilhan added.

Last night, Ilhan attended a party thrown in her honor in Garowe and attended, among other dignitaries, by Puntland President Deni and Vice President Ahmed Elmi. Iskilaji, a popular Somali singer, sang his hit songs at the event.

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