UAE humanitarian aid “ends up in Bakaara market” in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — Stolen aid is not uncommon in Somalia. In its extreme form embezzlers develop camps for internally displaced persons to distribute a portion of the aid earmarked for IDPs. It easier to identify embezzled humanitarian aid when the donor’s flag features on donations.

Aid diversion: Porters carrying boxes containing humanitarian aid from the UAE government.

A photo of porters carrying boxes emblazoned with the flag of the United Arab Emirates has been widely shared in the microblogging site, Twitter. Although Puntland Post cannot confirm the authenticity of the photo, a trader in Bakara market told our correspondent that only a donor’s aid bears the flag of the country that supplied the aid.

“A large amount of humanitarian aid in a store in Bakaara market could be evidence of aid diversion. I think a lot of UAE humanitarian aid has ended up in the Bakaara market under the pretext that it was distributed in camps for IDPs” said the trader.

In January the United Arab Emirates government donated food and medicine to Somalia.

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