China-Somalia Friendship as Vibrant as 61 Years ago, Opening New Horizons for a Brighter Future

By: H. E. Fei Shengchao

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Somalia

December 14th marks the 61st anniversary ofdiplomatic relations between China and Somalia. On the same day 61 years ago, Somalia became the very first East African country establishingdiplomatic ties with China as soon as it became independent. The two countries have seen high-level exchanges and fruitful cooperation in various fields. The bilateral relationship haswithstood the test of ever-changing international and regional situation, and grown from strength to strength.

The year 2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, the party has united and led the Chinese people in working tirelessly and tremendouslytransforming the Chinese nation. Against all odds, China has stood on her own feet, and grown stronger and more prosperous. Today, China is the world’s second largest economy and the largest trading nation. Over 1.4 billion Chinese people have completely shaken off absolute poverty, and are marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal. The year 2021 has also registered Somalia’s positive progress in peace-building and reconstruction and stronger Somali commitment to assumingmore security responsibilities. The Upper House elections have been concluded and  progress has been made in the elections of the House of the People. Although it is not a process without risks and challenges, it is very encouraging to see that people from across the sectors in Somalia have shown ever stronger resolve and confidence to pursue national independence, democracy and prosperity.

Though China and Somalia are geographically far apart and have different national circumstances, we both recognize democracy as a common value of humanity. As Chinese President Xi Jinping underlines,  democracy is a right for all nations, not a prerogative reserved to a few. The key criterion for whether a country is democratic or not is whether its people are truly the masters of their own fate. There are multiple ways and means to realize democracy, instead of a one-size-fits-all model. It would be totally undemocratic to measure the diverse political systems in the world with a single yardstick or examine different political civilizations from a single perspective. A country can only find its democratic path that suits its national circumstances if it works in light of the realities on the ground and takes into account its own historical and cultural traditions.

Democracy is an ideal that has always been cherished by the Communist Party of China and Chinese people. The whole-process people’s democracy centers on the interests of the people and is a democratic path that suits China’s national conditions and that is found by the Chinese people under the leadership of Communist Party of China. President Xi Jinping pointed out that democracy is not an ornament used for decorative purposes. Rather, democracy is about solving issues for the people. Through democratic election, democratic consultation, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic oversight, we are able to ensure that the Chinese people can voice their concerns effectively and thoroughly in every step of the way. They can participate in state political affairs. From something as small as everyday needs to something as big as reform and development, the Chinese people’s wills are reflected to the fullest extent. China’s democracyaims for tangible results and real effects, reaching beyond slogans and votes.

Democracy is not only a way of domestic governance, but also a principle in global governance. World affairs should be managed through consultation by governments and peoples of all countries. This is the democratic principle in handling international affairs. Basic norms governing international relations should be upheld by respecting national sovereignty and rejecting interference in the internal affairs of other countries. China respects Somalis in their independent pursuit of democracy, upholds the Somali-owned and Somali-led principle and supports Somalia’s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity.

The Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was successfully concluded a couple of weeks ago. In his keynote speech at the Opening Ceremony, President Xi Jinping announced an additional Chinese supply of one billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Africa, including 600 million doses in donation and 400 million doses to be provided through such means as joint production by Chinese companies and African countries. President Xi also made four proposals, including fighting COVID-19 with solidarity, and introduced nine programs to be implemented with African countries, from Medical and Health Program to Peace and Security program. The initiatives above will benefit Chinese and Somalis and promote and pass on the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation from generation to generation.

In September, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech via video at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly. He proposed the “Global Development Initiative”, stressed that we all need to put development first with a people-centered approach and leave no country and no one behind. China honors its words with real actions. This year, China has donated a total of 700,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Somalia, and will continue to take concrete actions to bridge the “immunization gap” until Somalia completely overcomes the pandemic.

In such iconic landmarks of China-Somalia friendship, Banadir Hospital and the National Theater, a new round of internal renovation and facility renewal is underway, which will provide Somali women and children with better medical conditions, and offer young Somalis better cultural experiences. China-Somalia fishery cooperation is mutually beneficial, generating millions of dollars in revenue for Somalia every year. China will also explore small projects that deliver fast and are quick to improve people’s lives, so that more and more ordinary people in Somalia can truly enjoy the feeling of fulfillment and happiness from China-Somalia cooperation.

More than 600 years ago, the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He visited Somalia along the Maritime Silk Road, building a bridge of friendship between the Chinese and Somali people. This bridge gets across mountains and seas, spans time and space, and facilitates communication to this day.

I believe that the hard-working, brave and resilient Chinese and Somali people will stay true to this friendship, work shoulder to shoulder through thick and thin, and jointly write a new chapter of China-Somalia friendship.

Source: SONNA