Garowe (PP News Desk) — As the rainy season approaches Suldan Saeed Garase, an influential Puntland traditional leader, reminded Puntland authorities of the impact rains can have on the Garowe-Bosaso road.
“The Midigar valley near the Garowe-Bosaso road will be further damaged by floods if authorities don’t take necessary renovation steps. Cars and lorries take turns to drive along the road near Midigari Valley. Authorities do not seem to be alive to the poor condition of the road.” said Suldan Garase in Garowe where he met businessmen and officials from the district administration.

Rain water that collect in Midigar Valley comes from Bura’o and pass through major water courses in Nugaal Valley to meet the sea of the Indian Ocean. Garowe-Bosaso road has yet to undergo major renovation since the end of landmark infrastructure project funded by the former Italian Aid Fund before 1991.

“Puntland State Government does not attach any importance to the need to renovate Garowe-Bosaso road. It was left out of infrastructural renovation projects funded by the European Union” said Adan Mohamud Kheyr, a businessman in Bosaso.
In 2019 Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni inaugurated a project to renovate the Garowe-Bosaso road. Puntland Government commissioned China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation Limited (CCECC) to carry out the renovation project, but it has not been implemented so far.
Travel time and haulage cost soar during the rainy season due to the poor condition of Garowe-Bosaso road. There is a hope that Suldan Garase’s call for action may create a sense of urgency to deal with infrastructural inadequacies in parts of Puntland.
© Puntland Post, 2021.
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