APSA Impact Report’s entry point into and added value to the existing body of policy research on conflict in the continent is that it is a comprehensive African study that aggregates disjointed analyses produced by other publications on AU and/or REC interventions and offers a continental view of all APSA interventions.
The report serves as a relevant reference tool or report card that captures the efforts and challenges faced by the AU, RECs/RMs and member states in their regional and continental efforts in conflict prevention, management and transformation. The main findings of the implementation of the fit-for-purpose methodology and the study that produces this report are as follows.
In 2018, Africa continued to be home to a little more than a quarter of all conflicts worldwide. 27% of violent and non-violent conflicts recorded in the world took place in Africa. National power, system/ideology, subnational predominance and resources were the most prominent conflict drivers on the continent, with system/ideology overtaking subnational predominance as a conflict driver for the first time. While this may be a result of the Heidelberg Conflict Barometer (which this report uses as a source material to identify conflicts) tweaking its definition of what constitutes system/ideology as a conflict item, it may also be an indication that conflicts in the region, particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa which traditionally are predominantly fought over national power, subnational predominance and resources, are developing an ideological edge.
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