Lasanod (PPM) — Traditional leaders from Sool, who met in Horufadhi village for a peacemaking summit, have issued a set of stringent rules that commit feuding subclans from Eegaag and Buhodle to implementing conflict prevention measures.
Feuding began several weeks ago after a man from Eegaag was murdered in an area near Buhodle. Four more men from the slain man’s side died after they were ambushed by militias from Buhodle.
A delegation of traditional leaders from Sool and Togdheer convened in Horufadhi to diffuse the conflict and reconcile the two feuding subclans. Representatives from the two subclans attended the week-long meeting that culminated in the formulation of conflict prevention rules to be enforced by a committee appointed by traditional leaders.
Rules to which representatives of the two subclans have committed themselves stipulate the designation of Horufadhi as a militia-free zone; a fine of fifty heads of camels to be imposed on any subclan whose members commit murder, in addition to the blood-money payable to the family of a murder victim; a fine of twenty five heads of camels will be payable by any subclan whose members cause injuries to a person from the other side; any subclan whose militias attack a village or town will have to pay a fine of fifty heads of camels.
A guiding principle directs mediators to the use of Sharia for issues that prove irresolvable through the customary law. The mediators ruled that the fine to be imposed will have to be paid on the basis of blood-money payment groups.
Garad Jama Garad Ali, who will host the main meeting in Saahdheer village in Sool, thanked people who joined peace-making efforts to resolve the intra-clan conflict and prevent renewed feuding.
Saahdheer reconciliation meeting for the two subclans will start in a week’s time from the day the representatives sign the preliminary agreement. A peace committee will oversee the implementation of the preliminary agreement and report on any militia movements.
© Puntland Post Monthly, 2020
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