Lasanod Municipality Arbitrates a Tricky Land Dispute Case

Courts in Somalliland devote more time to land disputes  than to other business cases. A tricky land disputes surfaced in Lasanod after the owner of a property  found out that a neighbour annexed three metre square of land belonging to the family, who sold a plot of land more than 25 years ago. 

A Lasanod thoroughfare named after  Hodan Naleyeh

The owner of the property demanding redress stumbled on the missing land when he looked at the deeds showing the plan of the house.

After engineers at Lasanod Municipality examined the case, they urged  the family that annexed the land to agree to arbitration. The family has agreed to have the three metre plot of land evaluated the basis of the prices of whole plot of land on which the building stands. 

This case reflects how a rule of law is the key to protecting property rights in Somaliland. 

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