Puntland oo laga saaray barnaamij muhiim ah oo ay maalgeliso dowladda Holland

Garowe(PP):- Barnaamijkan oo lagu magacaabo “The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN)”, waa barnaamij dadka xirfadaha leh ee soomaaliyeed ee degan wadamada Yurub gaar ahaan Holland, loogu dirayey Soomaaliya si ay xirfadahooda halkaas ay uga soo shaqeeyaan, ayaa iminka waxaa muuqata in Puntland laga reebay. Waxaana barnaamijkaas lagu soo koobay dowladda Federaalka iyo maamulka Somaliland.

Barnaamijkan oo la cusboonaysiiyey mudo 4 sano ah ayaa lagu caawinayaa wasaaradaha beeraha, howlaha guud, xanaanada xoolaha, dowladaha hoose iyo jaamacadaha.
Hay’adda IOM ayaa dowladda Holland u wakiilatay in ay barnaamijkan fuliso, waxaan la garanayn sababta Puntland oo mudo dheer barnaamijyadaan oo kale ka shaqaynayeen markaan looga reebay.

Warqad ay heshay warbaahinta Puntland Post loona diray qaybo ka mid ah qurbo-joogta soomaaliyeed ayaa u qornayd sidan:

Dear Somali Diaspora experts,

I am happy to inform you that as a follow up of the successful IOM TRQN program, Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) program started recently for three years and is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The program targets the following countries: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Sierra Leone and Somalia. IOM implements the project in close cooperation with the key stake holders both in the country of origin and the Netherlands and diaspora members. In the countries mentioned there is a great need for skills, expertise and experience.

CD4D program aims to contribute to improvement and strengthening of the capacities of local institutions in Somalia through involving of highly skilled Somali diaspora professionals to transfer their knowledge, skills and experiences. Through short physical assignments in the agriculture/food security and infrastructure sectors and establishing institutional linkages between institutions, the Somali diaspora experts will contribute to the development of their country or origin.

IOM acts as a facilitator and bridge builder between Diasporas and organizations in both countries of origin and the Netherlands. IOM matches the candidates’ expertise with the needs of institutions in the target countries, and then selects candidates in close cooperation with the selected institutions.

Recently IOM in cooperation with the Somali and Somaliland government’s program partners conducted a needs assessment in the field of agriculture and infrastructure. Based on the needs assessment 7 institutions have been identified and selected as CD4D target institutions.

The 5 selected health institutions are:

1. Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Government of Somalia
2. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the Federal Government of Somalia
3. Ministry of Livestock, the Federal Government of Somalia
4. Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Reconstruction, the Federal Government of Somalia
5. Somali National University
6. Banadir Regional Administration (Municipality of Mogadishu)
7. Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources (Somaliland)
8. Ministry of Agriculture (Somaliland)
9. Ministry of Livestock (Somaliland)
10. Ministry of Public Works Housing and Transport (Somaliland)
11. Ministry of Water Resources (Somaliland)
12. Municipality of Hargeisa
13. Ministry of Interior (Somaliland)